Chris Pitman


Chris is perhaps best known for his realist maritime oil paintings, predominantly reflecting the estuary town of Teignmouth in Devon where he grew up in the 1950's and '60's. His work has been hung, and indeed sold, at the prestigious Royal Society of Marine Artists open exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London.

Having being accepted as an Academician with the South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts (SWAc) Chris took a fresh view of his earlier veristic works. Deconstructing and reconstructing the same scenes, he then intensified and expanded the essence of the scene back onto canvas in Abstract form.

The following 'ORB' series, whilst straying into Industrial Brutalism was an attempt to simplify further whilst still presenting a challenge to the senses of the viewer.

His current project is a series based on the Teign Estuary, started initially using* the techniques of the Cornish Artist Peter Lanyon but developing into Chris’ own personal language to represent the physical in an emotional and spiritual expression, exploring the interplay of colours and their effect on the viewer.

*Favourite art quote - 'Good artists borrow, bad artists copy' - Picasso.